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Zeolite Max

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1 reviews
Our Sale Price
Sale price: $29.99 each
In Stock - Ships between Sep 19 - 24

Product Highlights

  • Can be added to current turf applications to control odors.
  • Helps to neutralize ammonia-based odors both directly or from the air.
  • Non-toxic and biodegradable.
  • Can be added to current turf applications to control odors.
  • Helps to neutralize ammonia-based odors both directly or from the air.
  • Non-toxic and biodegradable.
  • Only needs to be applied once.
Description - Keep your turf clean smelling year round with our Zeolite Max infill. This non-toxic, bio degradable infill can be used as a stand alone infill or as a mix in with other infills. How this infill works is that it traps and neutralizes ammonia-based odors by direct contact or from the air. You will only need to apply this one time, and for best results we recommend placing it beneath your turf and on top.
Material – Non-toxic biodegradable granules.
Weight – 50 Lb. bag.
Color – Tannish (when wet it turns green)
Recommended Usage - Proper spread rate for a bag of Zeolite Max is 1.5 pounds per square foot. 1 bag covers ~33 sqft.

In Stock - Ships between Sep 19 - 24

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Is this product safe to use with pets?
kenneth shapazian
Our Zeolite Max is very safe to use around pets and is the recommend infill or additive when your turf will have pets on it. This infill has properties that allow it to neutralize the smells from urine. This infill helps to keep your turf smelling fresh and clean. In conjunction with our Turf Fresh product, your turf will keep smelling fresh and clean for as long as you keep the turf.
Could I use a drop spreader to apply this infill?
phillip Harper
You can use a drop spreader to apply this infill, and we recommend using one.
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Average Rating
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  ZeoFill is such an amazing product - Works Great!
Self-installed in Two places Mesa, AZ and Florida
Anonymous from Mesa, AZ wrote...
Not sure why this is called Zeolite Max when the bag clearly shows ZeoFill. I have used DuraFill / EnviroFill on some of my homes then quickly learned EnviroFill products do not work with dog odor at all. Doing my research, the EnviroFill only works if urine liquid is on the granule for 30 seconds or more. I feel it is impossible for the urine to be destroyed as the urine liquid travels past the EnviroFill granules at a fast rate to the bottom of the turf. EnviroFill never has the chance to kill the bacteria. I personally purchased my ZeoFill directly from your store. Once I installed ZeoFill the urine smell instantly disappeared. My research with ZeoFill is the gases made by the urine get sucked up into the ZeoFill granule like a magnet which instantly removes the smell. I also learned on the ZeoFill site that it is best not to add another infill with ZeoFill. The more ZeoFill in the turf, the better the urine is removed.
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